Guide me to the righteous path..

The eye of the heart, though closed in fallen man, is able to take in a glimmering of light and this is faith. But anway of living causes a covering like rust to accumulate over the heart so that it cannot sense the Divine origin of God's message. - Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Sirajuddin)


Recently people became more involved in a stupid belief called rational thinking.The Rationals use absolute a priori thinking. Senses trigger Rationality, but through Pure Reason it immediately escapes in fantasy.It makes rational people imagine that 'reason' is more than 'puzzling', and that 'abstract' is different from 'fantasy'.Rationality as the state of having sound judgment?? Ethical Rule by Abstract Dreamers caused Slavery, World Wars and Cold War Thinking.

Some rationals that i know don't believe in science at all. Through science facts i proved them what they believe is wrong. They were so pathetic about it and they would go to extremes if i give them another chance. Yes, I am talking about Mr. Radhun (he calls himself radhun) and someone called Blue Lotus. Radhun(Majid) is a decendant of the so called royal family.

Rational thinking is actually escaping into fantasy... Don't you think so?


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