Guide me to the righteous path..

The eye of the heart, though closed in fallen man, is able to take in a glimmering of light and this is faith. But anway of living causes a covering like rust to accumulate over the heart so that it cannot sense the Divine origin of God's message. - Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Sirajuddin)

[CURRENT AFFAIRS] Dear sister, we are with you...

Her brother was killed by Israeli occupation troops in Gaza.

Don't grieve sister... We'll defeat them, Insha Allah

Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/28/2006 09:41:00 AM

The Times today reports that Israeli soldiers returning from forays into southern Lebanon admit to being surprised by Hezbollah’s ferocity.

On the fourteenth day of combat between the Shia militia and Israeli troops, it has become apparent that Israel had not secured Hezbollah’s southern most stronghold, 4 Kilometres inside Lebanon; a position that some Israeli spokesmen had earlier claimed was taken.

Despite two weeks of intense fighting and a relentless Israeli aerial bombardment, Hezbollah attacks have not diminished. On Monday Hezbollah managed to fire 111 rockets into northern Israel and over 100 so far today.

While domestic support for the operation remains strong in Israel, the first cracks are beginning to appear.

It is becoming all too obvious that Israel had underestimated Hezbollah’s strength and determination. With some commentators complaining about “insulting level” of military intelligence on Hezbollah’s capabilities. While in other quarter’s complaints were being sounded about poor “basic soldiering skills.”

Israeli soldiers returning from forays into southern Lebanon yesterday were visibly shocked, Stephen Farrell wrote in The Times today. Many of the normally proud Israeli soldiers appeared shaken by what they had encountered.

“It was really scary. Most of our armoured personnel carriers have holes, a paramedic told The Times after rescuing and treating three wounded tank crew members.

“It’s a very hard situation. We were in Lebanon before but it wasn’t like this for a long time.”

One tank commander said: “It’s a real war”.

The deputy commander of Israel’s northern forces, Brigadier-General Shuki Shachar, admitted that their adversary was no push over.

"Hezbollah is a fanatical organisation. It is highly motivated to fight. I don’t want to give grades to the enemy, but they are fighting. They are not escaping,” he said.

The Brigadier-General conceded however that Hezbollah were dug in deeper that expected.

“After a few days we realised that Hezbollah prepared itself over the last six years with thousands of rockets, with hundreds of shelters, bunkers, with hundreds of rockets hid in houses of civilians inside south Lebanon,

The object now , said the Brigadier-General was to take the high ground, identify Hezbollah’s rocket storage facilities and destroy them.

However that might not happen without many more Israeli casualties and its forces are still little more than four kilometres inside southern Lebanon.

Traumatized by heavy combat, Israeli troops comfort each other.

Already today reports have been received of more Israeli casualties. Although still unconfirmed, the latest reports indicate that another 14 more Israeli soldiers have been killed as Israel said that its operations in southern Lebanon might continue for several more weeks.

Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/28/2006 03:11:00 AM

[CURRENT AFFAIRS] Dear little Sister, We are with you...

Little Sister, don't grieve... We'll defeat them, Insha Allah...

Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/27/2006 09:17:00 AM

This baby isn't sleeping.

He's not making believe.

They're not playing together.

It's not temporary.


Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/27/2006 08:52:00 AM

[CURRENT AFFAIRS] Don't be surprised!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/26/2006 09:23:00 AM

[CURRENT AFFAIRS] Never Again? Never Again for Who?

The blog Lebanon Updates has a wealth of resources and daily news. This map shows the intensity of the Israeli blitzkrieg that has hit every corner of Lebanon from 7/12 through 7/24. It shatters the myth that Israel is defending itself from southern Lebanon rocket attacks: this is a war on all the peoples of Lebanon.
The media magician's sleight-of-hand has transformed the original casus belli of two captured IOF soldiers into "defense from Hezbollah rocket attacks." Nevermind the fact that there were no rocket attacks until Israel's widespread bombings of Lebanon had commenced. Most of the world's media uses the term "Lebanese militia" rather than Hezbollah when describing southern Lebanon's right to defend itself. This initial report by Forbes accurately reported Israel's provocation that resulted in the capture of the IOF soldiers:
"The militant group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers during clashes Wednesday across the border in southern Lebanon, prompting a swift reaction from Israel, which sent ground forces into its neighbor to look for them.

The forces were trying to keep the soldiers' captors from moving them deeper into Lebanon, Israeli government officials said on condition of anonymity."
That fact has been missing in action ever since, just like some of the missing body parts depicted in this slide show:

Thanks to the Internet bypassing traditional media filters, CNN has been compelled to report on Israel's use of outlawed white phosphorus in Lebanon:

TYRE, Lebanon (CNN) -- As battles have raged between Israel and Hezbollah in recent days, many Lebanese casualties have been rushed to hospitals with severe burns. Steadily, more and more people in southern Lebanon have accused Israel of packing its bombs with phosphorus.

Mohammad Khalifeh, Lebanon's health minister, said there are high suspicions Israel is using a new type of weapon, resulting in wounds not seen before in hospitals. He said the weapons may contain phosphorus. "There is no evidence but high clinical suspicions, and this is still under investigation,"

At one hospital in Tyre, Dr. Wahid Najir said he believes the Israeli military has used chemicals to burn those hit. "This is the effect of phosphorus," he said, speaking of a 9-year-old boy with severe wounds to his face. "This is phosphorus of course."

The boy's family was traveling in a vehicle when it was struck.

International rules of war forbid the use of weapons that cause indiscriminate suffering, but make no specific reference to phosphorus. --From CNN's Karl Penhaul (Posted 1:53 p.m.)

The United States has used phosphorus in military actions in Iraq.

Every violation of international law committed by the U.S. in Iraq is now standard issue for the Israeli Death Forces. Never again?

Quoted from:

Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/25/2006 10:09:00 PM

[CURRENT AFFAIRS] Israeli children sign their missiles ‘with love’

Never have I witnessed such an appalling display of utter contempt for human life. And they're not even ashamed to beam it across the globe, for all the world to see.

THIS is who our tax dollars support - an arrogant, war-like people who indoctrinate their children in the art of murderous and cavalier warfare.
Dear Lebanese/ Palestinian/ Canadian/ American/ Muslim/ Christian/ Australian/ or Anyone else who stands in our way,


Israeli Kids
Not in so many words, but even a love ballad would kill the recipient - using flowery words makes it all the more twisted.
Above: Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel, next to the Lebanese border, Monday, July 17, 2006.(AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)
Thanks, girls. Lebanese children got your message - loud and clear.

Spread it far and wide.

Americans must learn the truth about ISRAEL - the Ultimate Glorified Killing Machine.

Quoted from the blog

Posted by c0ldEnd to CURRENT AFFAIRS at 7/22/2006 09:54:00 PM


This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance.

Most of us can agree upon that something is very wrong with this planet. Civil wars, diseases, famine, genocide, religious wars, different violations of human rights ... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all those bad conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common source?

The Illuminati is a very well structured organization consisting of people in extremely High Places. Those people are the Super Wealthy, who stand above the law. They are the "Black Nobility", the Decision Makers, who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny.

The Illuminati own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful businesses of industry and trade, they infiltrate politics and they own most governments - or at least control them. An example of this is the American election for presidency. It is no secret that the candidate who gets the most sponsorship in form of money wins the election.

Who sponsors the "right" candidate? The Illuminati do. More often than not they sponsor both sides to have a game going. They decide who will be the next president, and they see to that their man wins, even if they have to cheat like they did in Florida when President George W Bush "won".

But is the President really running the game? Not the least. The power does not lie with the politicians, but with the Illuminati, whose top members are mostly International Bankers.

So what are the goals of the Illuminati? To create a One World Government and a New World Order, with them on top to rule the world into slavery.

This goal has been planned away from the public's prying eyes, in secrecy within the Secret Societies. All Secret Societies with secret grades of initiation are owned and controlled by the Illuminati, and Freemasonry is maybe the best known. The persons who control the societies and the Illuminati are occultists and Satanists, and they practice Black Magic. Their God is Lucifer. "The Light Bearer".

World War I and II were both attempts to take over. After the Second World War people were so tired of all the killing that they welcomed the United Nations, when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so nothing like WW II would ever happen again. But indeed the UN was another important front organization for the Illuminati, to unite the countries of the world into one. Here is a typical example of how the Brotherhood works: "problem-reaction-solution". By starting two world wars they created a problem. This in turn created a reaction from the population, who wanted a solution to the wars. So the Illuminati created a solution to the problem they themselves started by founding the United Nation; one further step toward a One World Government. This eventually led to the EU project, which anyone, with his eyes open, can see goes right into the direction of the biggest fascist in Europe, where each country gets less and less power and sovereignty, and Europe is put under the reign of a few, in a centralized government. And who are running EU? The Freemasons and the Illuminati.


Satanic Symbols Used in The Design of Washington D.C.

The street design in Washington, D.C., has been laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created in 1791 by a freemason, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, who was a freemason.

He planned more than just streets, roads, and buildings. He hid certain occultic magical symbols in the layout of U.S. Governmental Center. When these symbols are united they become one large Luciferic, or occultic, symbol.

According to occultic/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goathead(above) represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. In the above photocopy of the Goathead Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. With all that as background, let us now begin our study of Governmental Centre, Washington, D.C.

In the map above, beginning from top left to top middle:

1. Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, and Scott Circle in the middle, form the top three points of the Devil's Goathead of Mendes, one of the most important types of the Five-pointed Devil's Pentagram.

2. Washington Circle forms the extreme left-hand point of the Goathead.

3. Mt. Vernon Square forms the extreme right-hand point of the Goathead.

4. The White House forms the fifth and bottom point of the Goathead.

In the street layout of Washington D.C., the fifth point is the White House, a symbol placement which represents the intention that the spirit and the mind of Lucifer will be permanently residing in the White House.

There is a 666 evident in the most important top three circles of the Goathead, Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, and Logan Circle. Each of these streets has six major streets coming into them from all angles of the circle. This type of encoding is so typical of the occultist.

Everything was deliberately planned to stamp the power of Freemasonry and the symbols of its plans for America indelibly upon Government Center in Washington D.C.

The combination of the the Goathead of Mendes, Devil's Pentagram, and the practical existence of the number 666 within the three upper points of the Pentagram, unmistakably shows that Lucifer is planned to be the ultimate master of Governmental Center.

Dupont CircleScott Circle
Logan Circle

Now look for a moment at the circles which comprise the points of the Pentagram. Washington Circle, Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, and Logan Circle comprise four of the six points of the Pentagram. The only point which is not a circle or a form of a circle is Mt. Vernon Square.

It is no secret as to why the Masonic architect chose to use circles as four of the points of the Pentagram. As Goodman states in his book, Magic Symbols, "without doubt, the circle is the most important of all units in magic symbolism, and in almost every case where it is used, the circle is intended to denote spirit, or spiritual forces". Therefore, we can know with certainty that these circles of this Pentagram were used to denote powerful spiritual forces. And, of course, these spiritual forces are from Lucifer.

Map of Washington D.C. with outlined Luciferic design.

the circle also is utilized as a symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. Remember the All-Seeing Eye atop the pyramid on the American One-Dollar bill? This eye is within a triangle, but the important factor to realize is that the eye is atop a pyramid. Of course, a pyramid is nothing more than a triangle.

The FreeMason architect who drew this pattern intended to show that Governmental Center was planned to be ruled by Satan. Further, the Goathead Pentagram was placed so the Southernmost point, the spiritual point, is precisely centered on the White House. Notice that I did not arbitrarily draw these lines to center on the White House; rather, the White House is the precise point where the two lines formed by Connecticut Avenue flowing from Dupont Circle, and by Vermont Avenue flowing from Logan Circle, intersect. The meaning is all too clear. Occultists planned for the White House to be controlled by Lucifer in accordance with his occultic power and doctrine.

The Goathead.(for your reference)

There is still more meaning expressed by this Goathead Pentagram. Look again at the photocopy of the Devil's Pentagram. Protruding from the middle top of the Pentagram is a lighted candle, which is producing light. This physical light represents spiritual illumination. If this representation were made on a map, this illuminating candle would be thought of as being North. North is a very important direction, because it is the place of Governmental control.

North is the place, occultists believe, where Governmental authority dwells. According to the occult Lucifer vowed, "I will ascend to Heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the uttermost north..."

Now look at the Goathead Pentagram again. Scott Circle is precisely located at the middle of the Goathead, and 16th Street proceeds directly north. As you look directly north on 16th Street, you will immediately see the House Of The Temple, which is the North American Headquarters of Freemasonry. Even the number 16 is significant to the occultist; it is 4x4 (Remember that the four upper points of the Goathead Pentagram represent the Four Elements of which the earth is constructed). Number 16 literally means "felicity", which, according to my Webster's Dictionary, means blissful happiness or anything which will produce such a state.

The number 16 also pops up in an encoded manner. Both Dupont Circle and Logan Circle, which form the top two most important points of the Goathead Pentagram, are located on "P" Street. "P" is the 16th letter of the English alphabet.

Sixteenth Street emanates north from Scott Circle, which is itself the precise middle of the Goathead Pentagram. This street represents the candle of the photocopy. The illuminating light of the candle is represented by the House Of The Temple, which begins on "R" Street. The architect is literally saying that Freemasonry is the spiritual light of this Goathead Pentagram; of course, this Goathead Pentagram is rooted at the White House. One quick word on "R" Street. The letter "R" is the 18th letter of the English alphabet, and 18 is critically important to the occultist because it is 6+6+6.

The House Of The Temple is also located 13 city blocks north of the White House. Count them yourself, beginning with the first city block north of Lafayette Square. Of course, the number 13 represents rebellion against God's authority, and is generally thought of as Satan's number. It is no accident the House Of The Temple is located 13 blocks north of the White House. The meaning occulticly transmitted is that the control of the White House would be spiritual and would emanate from the House Of The Temple. Certainly, many American Presidents have been Freemasons.

The critical importance of this symbolism pointed out above, namely, that the Presidency of the United States is to be controlled by Freemasonry.

Now, let us quickly examine the importance of the square to the occultist. We need to understand this because the Eastern point of this Goathead Pentagram is a square, not a circle. The square is comprised of two (2) vertical lines and two (2) horizontal. According to Goodman in his book, "Magical Symbols," the vertical line symbolizes spirit. This spiritual force may move either from Heaven to Earth or from Earth to Heaven, or even from Heaven to Hell. The horizontal line symbolizes matter and movement from west to east. It also describes movement in time, as a direction in which one is traveling. This point is very critical, because the Freemason is committed to taking America in the direction of the New World Order. Since the square combines the vertical and the horizontal, it becomes a symbol of the material, physical realm which is enmeshed with spirit and time. The passage of time within an occultic spiritual context is what is in view here. In this instance, the United States of America is the physical realm which is moving in time toward the desired direction of the New World Order.

This square also contains one more piece of occultic meaning. In this Goathead Pentagram, Mt. Vernon Square is the Eastern point. In occultic doctrine, East is the direction from which a person receives spiritual knowledge and guidance.

Now, let us look at the symbol contained in the lower right hand portion of your Washington , D.C., city street map. This combination of symbols runs South and East from the White House to the United States Capitol. These are the symbols which clearly stamp Freemasonry upon this city, and which unmistakably reveal that the brand of Luciferic worship which we see in the Goathead Pentagram is the brand practiced by Freemasonry. Let us look at these Freemasonry symbols.

The three most sacred symbols of Freemasonry are the Compass, the Square, and the Rule or straight-edge. Look at the United States capitol, and you will see that it is laid out in the form of a circle. This represents the top of a professional compass of that era, which was circular. Pennsylvania Avenue, running from the Capitol to the White House, represents one leg of the compass. Maryland Avenue, running from the Capitol to Thomas Jefferson Memorial, represents the second leg of the compass. In this instance, you will have to lay out a ruler and draw a solid line from the Capitol to the Jefferson Memorial to get the full effect, because Maryland does not run straight through. It runs for a while and then disappears only to reappear again further toward the Memorial. However, you can easily see that the general direction runs precisely toward the Jefferson Memorial.

This is the compass of Freemasonry.

The Freemason's Square begins at Union Square, with Louisiana Avenue forming one arm and Washington Avenue the other. Again, you will have to draw a line down Louisiana Avenue and Washington to see the fully-formed square, because Louisiana ends at Pennsylvania and Washington ends at Maryland. The critical 900 angle of the square is pictorially missing; however, once you draw the natural continuation of Louisiana and Washington beyond their termination points you will see the 900 square perfectly formed.

The Freemason's Rule, or straightedge, is clearly seen if you draw a straight line south from the White House center to the base of the Washington Monument and then straight East to the Capitol.

Thus, all three of the sacred instruments of Freemasonry are depicted in the layout of these streets. As I stated earlier, the deliberate planning of these Governmental Buildings so that they would be laid out so as to represent these three sacred tools of Freemasonry, coupled with the Luciferic Goathead Pentagram, clearly tell us that the brand of Luciferic control and worship planned for this capitol city was Freemasonry. This clearly shows that the New World Order for which FreeMasonry has labored for so many years is Luciferic.

There is more. Look again at the United States Capitol (above). At the extreme Eastern side of the Capitol, you can see two cul-de-sacs which are irregularly shaped. In fact, when you draw a bold black line carefully around these cul-de-sacs, and continue the black line around the Capitol, you get the appearance of a horned owl, with the cul-de-sacs as its ears. This is not accidental, either. This is another way of representing Satan. Freemasonry designed the layout of Washington D.C. they placed the owl there and on the American One Dollar Bill.

The Southern point of the Goathead Pentagram represented the spirit of Satan reaching into the mind of the goathead, the owl represents the same meaning. In other words, both the Executive and the Legislative Branches of Government are to be controlled by Satan

Posted by c0ldEnd to THE NEW WORLD ORDER at 7/10/2006 11:39:00 PM


The Protocols of Zion is the New World Order Blueprint

I hate to sound melodramatic but unfortunately the truth may be very bizarre. I want to be wrong because if I am not, the forces responsible for the worst horrors of the last century are still in charge.

We are in the eleventh hour of a multigenerational conspiracy designed to first degrade and then enslave mankind. September 11 proclaimed the beginning of the final stage in the establishment of a totalitarian "new world order" (a.k.a. "globalization.")

The war on terror is a deception designed to mask the creation of a police state.

A centuries-old conspiracy is being carried out. George W. Bush is an admitted member of a satanic secret society, the "Skull and Bones," an offshoot of the European illuminati.

The Illuminati worship Lucifer "the bringer of light."

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is the Illuminati's Master Plan.

The Illuminati goal is to achieve a totalitarian "super government" devoted to Lucifer "our Sovereign Lord of all the World."

The Protocols was obtained by an agent of the Tsarist secret police in Paris and published in Russia in 1901. After the Bolshevik Revolution slaughtered the Tsar and his family in 1918, the Protocols was banned.

It has been excoriated as an anti-Semitic forgery. This is a red herring designed to divert attention from its real and startling significance. It describes a long-term "strategic plan" for the subversion of mankind.

Our despots are Luciferian sages and bankers, their wealthy allies, along with educated lackeys (technocrats, politicians, writers, teachers).

The Protocols is a long-term plan for world dictatorship. "Before us is a strategic plan from which we cannot deviate without seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught." (124)

No behavior is too vile to accomplish this goal. "We must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery..." Indeed assassination and terror"and the programme of violence and make-believe" are embraced.

Our corporate, political and cultural elites are in the thrall of Satanists. Don't be deceived by current economic abundance. Wealth may be repossessed in a moment simply by quickly raising interest rates to high levels.

Luciferians have an uncanny knack for making evil appear good, and good appear evil. We cannot feel good without being good but Luciferians have deceived us into thinking we can.

"Through the press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade, " says the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

"Think of the successes we arranged for Darwinianism, Marxism, should be plain to see what a disintegrating effect these directives have had on the minds of the goyim."

"all nations will be swallowed up in pursuit of gain and...will not take note of their common foe."

"This intensified struggle...will create, nay, has already created disenchanted, cold and heartless communities...Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult..."

The triumph of immorality in popular culture is not random, not a concession to popular taste. The relentless attack on wholesomeness is part of an insidious centuries-old effort to subvert mankind.

The Satan worshppers are gradually converting mankind to their Satanic culture. They use concepts such as free and equal to create a world that will be anything but.

--- Dr. Henry Makow

Posted by c0ldEnd to THE NEW WORLD ORDER at 7/10/2006 11:36:00 PM


Does a Satanic Cult rule America?

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." President Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)

Svali, an ex-Illuminati mind controller wrote:

"There is a lot more going on in the suburbs around Washington, DC than most people realize," She described how the Illuminati cult brainwashed and trained people to become assassins.

Wars are engineered by the Illuminati to weaken civilization and create a global police state, the "New World Order."

We need to see current events in a new way.

The Illuminati was behind the revolutionary movements of the 18th -- 20th Century as well as their respective reigns of terror. The bankers used their power to spread their Satanic convictions. They had finagled a monopoly on credit (usurping the government's right to create money) and they needed to control the world in order to protect this prize.

Their influence on world history can be seen in the story of the red hexagram, commonly known as the "Star of David." According to researcher Fritz Springmeier, the Star of David was not associated with Jews until the Rothschilds adopted it as their symbol in 1822. The Rothschilds were considered the leaders of the Jews but I don't know if the Jews knew the Rothschilds were Satanists. The Star of David is really "The Seal of Solomon," an occult symbol for the Satanic. -------- worshipped the star "Astoreth."

Before we feel smug, the Great Seal of the United States is also a Masonic symbol. According to Eustace Mullins, the top of the pyramid is missing to indicate that they have not yet put into operation the final stages of their conspiracy. "The eye represents that Great Architect of the Universe, a cabalist concept; it is enclosed in a triangle which is the symbol of magic. The thirteen steps refer to Satan, Belial and rebellion..." (The Curse of Canaan, 141) The inscription "Novo Ordo Seclorum" means "New Secular Order."

Mullins says the leading international bankers were motivated by freemasonry: "From the year 1776, Freemasonry has been an omnipresent international government operating treasonably from within the United States, and it has exercised those powers ever since."

Freemasonry is being introduced as the New World Religion. We are being brainwashed with it every day. So you need to know that:

* Freemasonry is a religion that believes Lucifer is the "God of light and God of good, struggling for humanity against Adonay, God of darkness and evil."

* It is a secret society that demands adherents swear blind obedience on pain of death before they even know what it represents.

* It practises deception. It reserves its truths for the adept; the initiate is "intentionally mislead by false interpretations."

* It preaches "tolerance" and the universality of all religions in order to negate them all. Christianity is especially abjured. "Universality does not mean Christianity." (Quotes from Masonic Texts from Gary Kah, En Route to Global Occupation pp.120-140)

In a very rare copy of the Annals of the Bohemian Club,celebrating the 125th anniversary of the founding, the elite membership from George W. Bush and his Father, George H. W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Helmut Schmidt and others are documented.

Germany's Chancellor Helmut Schmidt addresses the elite of the world at a lakeside talk. Helmut Schmidt, in his own autobiography, "Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective, says that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilberberg group. He also says that he has been an active participant in bringing in world government. Mr. Schmidt also said in his book that leaders from globalist bodies travel to the Grove every summer. He talks about secret groves in Germany where they do druidic rituals, but indicates that Bohemian Grove is his favorite place to participate in these rituals.

Posted by c0ldEnd to The Illuminati at 7/10/2006 02:20:00 AM


The Satanic Seal on the U.S. One Dollar

The connection between the New World Order and Satan worship is unmistakable.

At the top it says "Annuit Coeptis" which means "anouncing the birth or creation".

At the bottom it says "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means "New Order of the Ages".

Taken together the two Latin phrases mean "Anouncing the birth of the New World Order"

The triangle containing the eye represents the all-seeing eye that is illuminated. This represents the worship of Lucifer which is described as the bringer of light.

The pyramid has 13 levels - this is no accident. The Illuminati are a group of 13 interconnected bloodlines who make up the heads of the New World Order conspiracy.

The date at the bottom of the pyramid - almost impossible to notice in the picture above - is Latin for May 1st 1776, an important date in the history of the Illuminati.

This is the Great Seal of the United States of America. It was designed by the Freemasons and contains a mass of symbolism that the non freemasons are not supposed to understand.

Have you ever asked the question 'Why is there a Pyramid on the $1 note"?
The Pyramid has of old been a fascination of Freemasons. It is a temple of Satan worship.

The latin 'E Pluribus Unum' - in the bottom picture -means 'One out of many' which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to unify the world's governments and money systems into one so the world can be controlled by these Satan worhippers.

The capstone has not come down on the Pyramid. This means that the plan is not complete. Only when the New World Order is established upon all nations and the world leader is enthroned the plan will be complete. On the obverse is an eagle whose dexter wing has thirty- two feathers, the number of ordinary degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The sinister wing has thirty-three feathers, the additional feather corresponding to the Thirty-Third Degree of the Scottish Rite conferred for outstanding Masonic service - I admit this is hard to notice. The tail feathers number nine, the number of degrees in the Chapter, Council, and Commandery of the York Rite of Freemasonry. Notice the stars above the eagle's head forms a hexagram - the most evil of all witchcraft symbols.

At the top, we see a cluster of 13 stars surrounded by 28 glowing guide lines. Thirteen, according to the occult, is the number for "depravity and rebellion," and twenty-eight is the number for "eternal life."

On the breast of the eagle is a very unusual shield of protection. If you look at the top of it, you can notice 12 horizontal black lines above 18 vertical lines in 6 sets of 3 lines. Twelve - according to the occult - is the number for a perfect government and eighteen is the number for bondage.

At the end of the eagle's two legs are eight talons, clutching an olive branch, consisting of 13 berries with 13 leaves plus a cluster of 13 arrows.

The olive branch is symbolic of peace and the berries are the fruit of that peace. Again, according to the occult - the 13 arrows are symbolic of war and military strength. The talons or claws of this bird number eight. Eight is the number of new creations. The talons of this bird are clenched, symbolizing that this new government takes over the old one by force. The new government, of course, is supposed to be run by the Illuminati.

Underneath the shield are nine tail feathers, used for guidance and control. Nine is the number of finality, and coupled with the meaning of the tail feathers, this signifies that with guidance and control, this new government has finally arrived.

So, in short, what this second seal is saying, in light of the first seal, is that an old system is going to rise up and take over this new government by force, through the use of demonic control and influence.

"Not only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for A PECULIAR AND PARTICULAR PURPOSE known only to the intiated few." (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pp. XC and XCI)

The European group he is talking about is the Illuminati. They claimed America to establish the New World Order. This is the peculiar and particular purpose known only to certain high ranking freemasons.

Posted by c0ldEnd to The Illuminati at 7/09/2006 10:45:00 PM


Retired FBI agent Ted Gunderson who had compiled box loads of research and had assembled a number of reports in recent years, described unimaginable "operations" of treachery, sadistic savagery, degradation, abuse, and murder caused by intelligence agents of the United States government against its own citizens, especially children.

The Finders

The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse, child slave labor for underground facilities, sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders". The Finders is one of the most alarming and despicable covert operations against America's children that Gunderson's investigations helped to uncover, but it's only one of many covert evil acts committed against American citizens by government agents under directives issued, not by Congress or the President, but rather by international satanists collectively known as the Illuminati, who control the Secret or Inner government of the United States as well as other governments in the world. The "Finders" operation began in the 1960's and continues kidnapping children to this day.

The Franklin Cover-Up

The participation of persons of high position in satanic rituals and child prostitution in the Omaha, Nebraska was revealed in the 1992 book, The Franklin Cover-Up, by former state senator and attorney, John DeCamp. Ted Gunderson provided a substantial amount of investigative assistance to John DeCamp in uncovering the story. The Franklin Cover-Up describes the role played by the CIA's "Finders" in the drugging, mind control, and forced coercion of kidnapped children into silent compliance to serve the pedophilic and sadistic appetites of some of the most prominent and well known people in Omaha, Nebraska and Washington, DC.

Posted by c0ldEnd to The Illuminati at 7/09/2006 10:39:00 PM

Your Last Chance

Have you ever wondered that if you were born in 7th Century Makkah, and you heard of a man claiming to have received the Message of God, would you have been amongst those first followers and faced the wrath of the Makkan opposition? Or would you have remained silent, not taking either side, only to be eventually forced out of your home?

What if you were given the chance to live in Madina before the Prophet’s arrival? Would you have, upon his arrival, joined his religion and pledged allegiance to stick with him through thick and the thin? Or would you rather have felt safer with the likes of Ibn Salul, the leader of the hypocrites who guaranteed his followers safety and security?

The question boils down to: Do we have what it takes to do what our conscience tells us to? Or do we lack determination and does the love of an easy life make us cling to our comfortable homes and careers?

Every soul is given an opportunity in this life to prove itself. Some are truthful to their Lord; those who would risk their own lives, careers and families in the defence of truth and justice. Others too are given the same opportunities, yet they fall at each hurdle, remaining heartless towards injustices committed right under their noses.

The early generation of Muslims had their chance, which they passed with flying colours. Many of them endured indescribable hardships, pains and loss of friends and relatives- much worse than what some Muslims might be enduring in Britain. Some did not even live long enough to see the fragile Muslim community experience a moment of peace and security, for they were killed in the very early stages. Others were ordered to flee from Makkah and claim political asylum in Abyssinia, and even there, they had to face an extradition request by the Makkans.

Most of the inhabitants of Makkah, however, lost their golden chance, and toed the line of oppression and injustice. For them, their worldly gains were the focal point of their lives and their losses too great to bear, for they had nothing to look forward to in the afterlife. They failed to realise that they themselves were eventually going to become the fuel for the Makkan ‘War on Terror’ against the so-called ‘terrorists’ in Madina, and hence, many of them were killed in the subsequent battles.

Babar Ahmad was born 1400 years after the Arabian revolution, yet he, like thousands of British Muslims, was inspired by that revolution. Babar Ahmad was also given the same opportunity, when his door was smashed down in December 2003, and he was forced to prostrate and taunted with words that have now became the slogan with which the British Anti-Terrorist police is remembered amongst Muslims: ‘Where is your God now?!’ Babar Ahmad did not miss this chance and succumb to fear. Rather, he was determined that this episode must not be repeated with any other Muslim thereafter, and hence the Stop Political Terror Campaign gained momentum throughout the country. Surely, Allah only tests those who are worthy, and hence, just days before our hero was due to deliver his lecture on our ever-eroding civil liberties, he was kidnapped by the Anti-Terrorist police on an extradition warrant by their US masters, to be dispatched like a slave in chains.

Babar Ahmad had already received his blows at the hands of the Anti-Terrorist thugs and later released without charge. He only stood up to protect the forgotten, and to make sure we do not endure what he had to. As he awaits his extradition, he has made clear to his supporters, that even after he is gone, the struggle to repeal the unjust Extradition Treaty 2003 must continue with more vigour, such that no other Muslim is sold into slavery to the Americans again. He continues to reiterate that if once the first Muslim is extradited, many more Muslims most definitely will be next.

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Factors affecting success

All five of these factors have an influence on your life success. Fate is the biggest contributor but the other four factors can change your destiny and bring you to a new path. The path can be brighter or darker depending on your choices for education, charitable actions, and Feng Shui. Luck will appear silently as you lead a positive life filled with providing harmony for you, your family and all that enter your life.

1) Fate

Fate is also known as your destiny. Your destiny is chosen before you are born. Fate decides your parents, geographic location, your temperament, siblings and much more. You have no influence on changing your birth date but you do have the power to change your destiny based on the other four factors. Fate comprises approximately 70% of your life success.

2) Luck

Luck is something that happens or not. However, I find I am luckier the harder I work and the kinder I am to all.

3) Feng Shui

Feng Shui changes your life by the simple alteration of stuff in your indoor or outdoor environments. Change the location of your belongings and change your life. It is important to understand Feng Shui is based on aligning your life desires with your physical property.

4) Charitable Actions

Charitable actions involve either using our time or money. Many of us have limited financial resources but most have more time than not to volunteer a few hours a week. Volunteering changes who you are and the organization or person you are aiding. It is important to put yourself out there. You can assist someone you know, a stranger or send money for a charity dear to your heart. These positive actions will bring positive actions to you.

5) Education

Education is very important in bringing you life success. Education can be formal or informal. Everyone has great capacity to learn but many of us stop learning after our formal education years. The best education is self-improvement. By becoming a balanced person, those around you will begin on the journey without you ushering a word.

Allah is the all knower, of the seen and unseen


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