Guide me to the righteous path..

The eye of the heart, though closed in fallen man, is able to take in a glimmering of light and this is faith. But anway of living causes a covering like rust to accumulate over the heart so that it cannot sense the Divine origin of God's message. - Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Sirajuddin)

Factors affecting success

All five of these factors have an influence on your life success. Fate is the biggest contributor but the other four factors can change your destiny and bring you to a new path. The path can be brighter or darker depending on your choices for education, charitable actions, and Feng Shui. Luck will appear silently as you lead a positive life filled with providing harmony for you, your family and all that enter your life.

1) Fate

Fate is also known as your destiny. Your destiny is chosen before you are born. Fate decides your parents, geographic location, your temperament, siblings and much more. You have no influence on changing your birth date but you do have the power to change your destiny based on the other four factors. Fate comprises approximately 70% of your life success.

2) Luck

Luck is something that happens or not. However, I find I am luckier the harder I work and the kinder I am to all.

3) Feng Shui

Feng Shui changes your life by the simple alteration of stuff in your indoor or outdoor environments. Change the location of your belongings and change your life. It is important to understand Feng Shui is based on aligning your life desires with your physical property.

4) Charitable Actions

Charitable actions involve either using our time or money. Many of us have limited financial resources but most have more time than not to volunteer a few hours a week. Volunteering changes who you are and the organization or person you are aiding. It is important to put yourself out there. You can assist someone you know, a stranger or send money for a charity dear to your heart. These positive actions will bring positive actions to you.

5) Education

Education is very important in bringing you life success. Education can be formal or informal. Everyone has great capacity to learn but many of us stop learning after our formal education years. The best education is self-improvement. By becoming a balanced person, those around you will begin on the journey without you ushering a word.

Allah is the all knower, of the seen and unseen


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