Guide me to the righteous path..

The eye of the heart, though closed in fallen man, is able to take in a glimmering of light and this is faith. But anway of living causes a covering like rust to accumulate over the heart so that it cannot sense the Divine origin of God's message. - Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Sirajuddin)

"We'll break you into a thousand pieces" - Methods of and ill-treatment

At the heart of the attack on the prohibition on and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the "war on " has been the attempt to designate different types of treatment simply as "coercive" interrogation techniques, and to argue that they fall outside the ban.

Techniques frequently described by detainees who have been held in the context of the "war on " by forces from the USA, the UK and other countries include:

prolonged isolation
sleep deprivation
sensory manipulation such as exposure to bright lights and loud music
sexual and other forms of humiliation
the use of dogs, mock s and other threats to instil
being forced to stand motionless or in stressful positions for hours on end
"environmental manipulation", where detainees are exposed to extremes of heat and cold
repeated insults with a racial and religious focus, described in US army manuals as "pride and ego down"
prolonged handcuffing
hooding and blindfolding

Most of these techniques do not leave physical scars, but all can have devastating consequences for the victims.

All forms of and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment attack the identity and humanity of the individual. They can also have serious long-term consequences for the health of victims. Symptoms commonly experienced include:
anxiety disorders
shame and humiliation
memory impairment
reduced capacity to concentrate
sleep disturbance and nightmares
emotional instability
physical problems including stomach, lung and heart complaints
sexual problems
preoccupation with
social isolation.

All these symptoms have been observed among detainees who have been interrogated at US-run detention centres in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantánamo Bay.

For example, a leaked February 2004 report on Abu Ghraib prison by the ICRC said that detainees presented "signs of concentration difficulties, memory problems, verbal expression difficulties, incoherent speech, acute anxiety reactions, abnormal behaviour and suicidal tendencies. These symptoms appeared to have been caused by the methods and duration of interrogation".

Case study by Zaki (esandhaanu)


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